Building on my previous research and training about Trauma Informed Teaching, I am currently working on a research project to better understand student experiences with critique over the past few years. To date, I surveyed 29 students at MICA and in Spring/Summer 2023, I will conduct in depths interviews 5-10 students.

This research project asks: based on student testimonials and faculty reflections, what elements characterize trauma informed critique?

My starting point is to hear from faculty and students about what critique has been like over the past few years. I was also inspired by the graduate students I worked with over the years in Philosophy and Pedagogy.

I was motivated to begin this workshop after leading a series of workshops about trauma informed teaching at MICA during the pandemic, in an interest to translate some of our learning into tools and practices that might sustain beyond this moment in history.

To request a presentation or training with me based on this research, please email me at